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After many years of preparation, my book on model predictive control (MPC) for power electronics was published in 2016. Its first part provides a detailed review of three-phase power electronics, electrical machines, carrier-based pulse width modulation, optimized pulse patterns, state-of-the art converter control methods and the principle of MPC.

The second part is an in-depth treatment of MPC methods that fully exploit the hardware capability of high-power converters. These control methods combine the fast control responses of deadbeat control with the optimal steady-state performance of optimized pulse patterns by resolving the antagonism between the two.

For more details on the book, please refer to the product webpage of Wiley. There, you also find the necessary details to order your own copy.

Research Profiles

Most of my publications are also available on ResearchGate. A list of my publications can also be found on Google Scholar.

Journal Publications


L.M. Hartmann, O. Karaca, T. Dorfling and T. Geyer: Switching frequency limitation with finite control set model predictive control via slack variables", IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, in print.

Q. Yang, P. Karamanakos, W. Tian, T. Geyer, R. Kennel and M.L. Heldwein: A fixed switching frequency direct model predictive control for grid-tied converters with LCL filters under adverse grid conditions", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, in print.

I. Koukoula, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: Loss-constrained three-level optimized pulse patterns with robustness to power factor variations", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, in print.


T. Dorfling and T. Geyer: Thermally constrained optimized pulse patterns for medium-voltage neutral-point-clamped converters", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 13160-13176, Oct. 2024.

E. Zafra, S. Vazquez, T. Geyer, R.P. Aguilera, E. Freire and L.G. Franquelo: "Computational analysis of the long horizon FCS-MPC problem for power converters", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 12762-12773, Oct. 2024.

M.A.W. Begh, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Gradient-based predictive pulse pattern control with active neutral point potential balancing for medium-voltage induction motor drives", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 6326-6338, July/Aug. 2024.

I. Koukoula, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Optimal pulse width modulation of three-level converters with reduced common-mode voltage", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 4062-4075, May/June 2024.

T. Geyer, P. Karamanakos and I. Koukoula: "Optimized pulse patterns with bounded semiconductor losses", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 3233-3243, Mar. 2024.

R. Keusch, H.-A. Loeliger and T. Geyer: "Long-horizon direct model predictive control for power converters with state constraints", IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 340-350, Mar. 2024.


Q. Yang, P. Karamanakos, E. Liegmann, W. Tian, T. Geyer, R. Kennel and M.L. Heldwein: "A fixed switching frequency direct model predictive control for neutral-point-clamped three-level inverters with induction machines", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 38, no. 11, pp. 13703-13716, Nov. 2023.

E. Zafra, S. Vazquez, T. Geyer, R.P. Aguilera and L.G. Franquelo: "Long prediction horizon FCS-MPC for power converters and drives", Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, vol. 4, pp. 159-175, May 2023.


M.A.W. Begh, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Gradient-based predictive pulse pattern control of medium-voltage drives - part I: Control, concept and analysis", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 14222-14236, Dec. 2022.

M.A.W. Begh, P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and Q. Yang: "Gradient-based predictive pulse pattern control of medium-voltage drives - part II: Performance assessment", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 14237-14251, Dec. 2022.

T. Dorfling, H. du Toit Mouton and T. Geyer: "Generalized model predictive pulse pattern control based on small-signal modelling - part 1: Algorithm", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 10476-10487, Sep. 2022.

T. Dorfling, H. du Toit Mouton and T. Geyer: "Generalized model predictive pulse pattern control based on small-signal modelling - part 2: Implementation and analysis", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 10488-10498, Sep. 2022.

J. Rodriguez, C. Garcia, A. Mora, F. Flores-Bahamonde, P. Acuna, M. Novak, Y. Zhang, L. Tarisciotti, S.A. Davari, Z. Zhang, F. Wang, M. Norambuena, T. Dragicevic, F. Blaabjerg, T. Geyer, R. Kennel, D.A. Khaburi, M. Abdelrahem, Z. Zhang, N. Mijatovic and R. Aguilera: "Latest advances of model predictive control in electrical drives. Part I: Basic concepts and advanced strategies", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 3927-3942, Apr. 2022.

J. Rodriguez, C. Garcia, A. Mora, S.A. Davari, J. Rodas, D.F. Valencia, M. Elmorshedy, F. Wang, W. Xu, Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, M. Norambuena, A. Emadi, T. Geyer, R. Kennel, T. Dragicevic, D.A. Khaburi, Z. Zhang, M. Abdelrahem and N. Mijatovic: "Latest advances of model predictive control in electrical drives. Part II: Applications and benchmarking with classical control methods", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 5047-5061, May 2022.

Q. Yang, P. Karamanakos, W. Tian, X. Gao, X. Li, T. Geyer and R. Kennel: "Computationally efficient fixed switching frequency direct model predictive control", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 2761-2777, Mar. 2022.

S. Vazquez, E. Zafra, R.P. Aguilera, T. Geyer, J.I. Leon and L.G. Franquelo: "Prediction model with harmonic load current components for FCS-MPC of an uninterruptible power supply", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 322-331, Jan. 2022.


P. Karamanakos, M. Nahalparvari and T. Geyer: "Fixed switching frequency direct model predictive control with continuous and discontinuous modulation for grid-tied converters with LCL filters", IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 1503-1518, July 2021.


R. Baidya, R.P. Aguilera, P. Acuna, T. Geyer, R.A. Delgado, D.E. Quevedo and H. du Toit Mouton: "Enabling multistep model predictive control for transient operation of power converters", IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, vol. 1, pp. 284-297, Oct. 2020.

P. Karamanakos, E. Liegmann, T. Geyer and R. Kennel: "Model predictive control of power electronic systems: methods, results, and challenges", IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 1, pp. 95-114, Aug. 2020.

T. Dorfling, H. du Toit Mouton, T. Geyer and P. Karamanakos: "Long-horizon finite-control-set model predictive control with nonrecursive sphere decoding on an FPGA", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 7520-7531, July 2020.

P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Guidelines for the design of finite control set model predictive controllers", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 7434-7450, July 2020.

A. Birth, T. Geyer, H. du Toit Mouton and M. Dorfling: "Generalized three-level optimal pulse patterns with lower harmonic distortion", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 5741-5752, June 2020.


V. Spudic and T. Geyer: "Model predictive control based on optimized pulse patterns for modular multilevel converter STATCOM", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 6137-6149, Nov./Dec. 2019.

P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Model predictive torque and flux control minimizing current distortions", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 2007-2012, Mar. 2019.

M. Vasiladiotis, A. Christe and T. Geyer: "Model predictive pulse pattern control for modular multilevel converters", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 2423-2431, Mar. 2019.


P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and R.P. Aguilera: "Long-horizon direct model predictive control: modified sphere decoding for transient operation", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 6060-6070, Nov./Dec. 2018.

T. Geyer: "Algebraic tuning guidelines for model predictive torque and flux control", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 4464-4475, Sept./Oct. 2018.

P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and R. Kennel: "On the choice of norm in finite control set model predictive control", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 7105-7117, Aug. 2018.

A. Lopez, D.E. Quevedo, R.P. Aguilera, T. Geyer and N. Oikonomou: "Limitations and accuracy of a continuous reduced order model for modular multilevel converters", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 6292-6303, July 2018.


C.A. Rojas, M. Aguirre, S. Kouro, T. Geyer and E. Gutierrez: "Leakage current mitigation in photovoltaic string inverter using predictive control with fixed average switching frequency", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 9344-9354, Dec. 2017.

S. Richter, T. Geyer and M. Morari: "Resource-efficient gradient methods for model predictive pulse pattern control on an FPGA", IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 828-841, May 2017.

B. Stellato, T. Geyer and P.J. Goulart: "High-speed finite control set model predictive control for power electronics", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 4007-4020, May 2017.


P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and R. Kennel: "A computationally efficient model predictive control strategy for linear systems with integer inputs", IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 1463-1471, July 2016.


J. Scoltock, T. Geyer and U.K. Madawala: "A model predictive direct current control strategy with predictive references for MV grid-connected converters with LCL-filters", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 5926-5937, Oct. 2015.

J. Scoltock, T. Geyer and U.K. Madawala: "Model predictive direct power control for grid-connected neutral-point-clamped converters", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 62, no. 9, pp. 5319-5328, Sept. 2015.

T. Geyer and D.E. Quevedo: "Performance of multistep finite control set model predictive control for power electronics", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1633-1644, Mar. 2015.

B.S. Riar, T. Geyer and U.K. Madawala: "Model predictive direct current control of modular multilevel converters: modelling, analysis and experimental evaluation", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 431-439, Jan. 2015.


T. Geyer and D.E. Quevedo: "Multistep finite control set model predictive control for power electronics", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 6836-6846, Dec. 2014.

P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer, N. Oikonomou, F.D. Kieferndorf and S.Manias: "Direct model predictive control: a review of strategies that achieve long prediction intervals for power electronics", IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 32-43, Mar. 2014.

P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and S. Manias: "Direct voltage control of dc-dc boost converters using enumeration-based model predictive control", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 968-978, Feb. 2014.


P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and S. Manias: "Direct model predictive current control strategy of dc-dc boost converters", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 337-346, Dec. 2013.

N. Oikonomou, C. Gutscher, P. Karamanakos, F. Kieferndorf and T. Geyer: "Model predictive pulse pattern control for the five-level active neutral-point-clamped inverter", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 2583-2592, Nov./Dec. 2013.

T. Burtscher and T. Geyer: "Deadlock avoidance in model predictive direct torque control", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 2126-2135, Sept./Oct. 2013.

T. Geyer: "Model predictive direct torque control: derivation and analysis of the state-feedback control law", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 2146-2157, Sept./Oct. 2013.

J. Scoltock, T. Geyer and U.K. Madawala: "A Comparison of Model Predictive Control Schemes for MV Induction Motor Drives", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 909-919, May 2013.


T. Geyer and S. Mastellone: "Model predictive direct torque control of a five-level ANPC converter drive system", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 1565-1575, Sept./Oct. 2012.

T. Geyer, N. Oikonomou, G. Papafotiou and F.D. Kieferndorf: "Model predictive pulse pattern control", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 663-676, Mar./Apr. 2012.

T. Geyer: "Model predictive direct current control: formulation of the stator current bounds and the concept of the switching horizon", IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 47-59, Mar./Apr. 2012.

U.K. Madawala, T. Geyer, J.B. Bradshaw and D.M. Vilathgamuwa: "Modeling and analysis of a novel variable-speed cage induction generator", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 1020-1028, Feb. 2012.


T. Geyer: "Computationally efficient model predictive direct torque control", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 2804-2816, Oct. 2011.

T. Geyer: "A comparison of control and modulation schemes for medium-voltage drives: emerging predictive control concepts versus PWM-based schemes", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 1380-1389, May/June 2011.


T. Geyer, and S. Schröder: "Reliability considerations and fault handling strategies for multi-MW modular drive systems", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 2442-2451, Nov./Dec. 2010.

J. Song-Manguelle, S. Schröder, T. Geyer, G. Ekemb, and J.-M. Nyobe-Yome: "Prediction of mechanical shaft failures due to pulsating torques of variable-frequency drives", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 1979-1988, Sept./Oct. 2010.

S. Mariethoz, S. Almér, M. Baja, A.G. Beccuti, D. Patino, A. Wernrud, J. Buisson, H. Cormerais, H. Fujioka, T. Geyer, U.T. Jönsson, C.-Y. Kao, M. Morari, G. Papafotiou and P. Riedinger: "Comparison of hybrid control techniques for buck and boost dc-dc converters", IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 1126-1145, Sept. 2010.

S. Schröder, P. Tenca, T. Geyer, P. Soldi, L. Garces, R. Zhang, T. Toma, and P. Bordignon: "Modular high-power shunt-interleaved drive system: a realization up to 35 MW for oil & gas applications", IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 821-830, Mar./Apr. 2010.

T. Geyer, F.D. Torrisi, and M. Morari: "Efficient mode enumeration of compositional hybrid systems", International Journal of Control, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 313-329, Feb. 2010.


T. Geyer, G. Papafotiou, and M. Morari: "Model predictive direct torque control - part I: concept, algorithm and analysis", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 1894-1905, June 2009.


T. Geyer, G. Papafotiou, and M. Morari: "Hybrid model predictive control of the step-down dc-dc converter", IEEE Trans. on Control System Technology, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1112-1124, Nov. 2008.

T. Geyer, G. Papafotiou, R. Frasca, and M. Morari: "Constrained optimal control of the step-down dc-dc converter", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 2454-2464, Sept. 2008.

T. Geyer, F.D. Torrisi, and M. Morari: "Optimal complexity reduction of polyhedral piecewise affine systems", Automatica, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 1728-1740, July 2008.


G. Papafotiou, T. Geyer, and M. Morari: "A hybrid model predictive control approach to the direct torque control problem of induction motors", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 17, pp. 1572-1589, invited paper, May 2007.


A. Balluchi, L. Benvenuti, S. Engell, T. Geyer, K.H. Johansson, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, J. Lygeros, M. Morari, G. Papafotiou, A.L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, F. Santucci, O. Stursberg: "Hybrid control of networked embedded systems", European Journal of Control, no. 11, pp. 1-31, special issue on fundamental issues in control, invited paper, Dec. 2005.

Book Chapters

D.E. Quevedo, R.P. Aguilera and T. Geyer: "Model predictive control for power electronics applications", Model Predictive Control Handbook, eds. S.V. Rakovic and W.S. Levine, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Nov. 2018.

D.E. Quevedo, R.P. Aguilera, and T. Geyer: "Predictive control in power electronics and drives: basic concepts, theory and methods", Advanced and Intelligent Control in Power Electronics and Drives, eds. T. Orlowska-Kowalska, F. Blaabjerg and J. Rodriguez, vol. 531 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer Verlag, pp. 181-226, Jan. 2014.

T. Geyer, and G. Papafotiou: "Direct torque control for induction motor drives: a model predictive control approach based on feasibility", Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, vol. 3414 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, pp. 274-290, Mar. 2005.

T. Geyer, G. Papafotiou, and M. Morari: "On the optimal control of switch-mode dc-dc converters", Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, vol. 2993 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, pp. 342-356, Mar. 2004.

T. Geyer, F.D. Torrisi, and M. Morari: "Efficient mode enumeration of compositional hybrid systems", Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Vol. 2623 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, pp. 216-232, Mar. 2003.

Conference Publications


I. Hilden, P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and S. Rahmanpour: "Gradient-based predictive pulse pattern control with improved steady-state and dynamic behavior", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Oct. 2024.

I. Koukoula, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "On bounding the junction temperature by means of optimal modulation with relaxed properties", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Oct. 2024.

E.G. Tsekouras, R.P. Aguilera and T. Geyer: "Real-time computation of optimized pulse patterns for compensation of estimated grid voltage harmonics", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Oct. 2024.

I. Koukoula, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Fast computation of optimized pulse patterns for multilevel converters", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Oct. 2024.

I. Hilden, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Gradient-based predictive pulse pattern control for medium-voltage drives with very fast transients", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Oct. 2024.

S. Rahmanpour, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Optimized pulse patterns for converters connected to a distorted grid via LCL filters", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Darmstadt, Germany, Sep. 2024.


S. Rahmanpour, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Three-level optimized pulse patterns for grid-connected converters with LCL filters", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Nashville, TN, USA, Oct./Nov. 2023.

I. Koukoula, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Loss-constrained optimized pulse patterns for three-level converters with robustness to power factor variations", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Nashville, TN, USA, Oct./Nov. 2023.

P. Karamanakos, M.A.W. Begh, S. Rahmanpour and T. Geyer: "Gradient-based predictive pulse pattern control for grid-connected converters with LCL filters", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Nashville, TN, USA, Oct./Nov. 2023.

J. Galang, T. Geyer and J. Xu: "Decarbonization of offshore installations using static frequency converters and active front ends", Proc. of the IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference Europe, Milan, Italy, June 2023.

I. Koukoula, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Three-level optimized pulse patterns with zero common-mode voltage", Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, Tallinn, Estonia, June 2023.


I. Koukoula, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Three-level optimized pulse patterns with reduced common-mode voltage", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, USA, Oct. 2022.

M.A.W. Begh, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Gradient-based predictive pulse pattern control with active neutral point balancing for three-level inverter medium-voltage drives", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, USA, Oct. 2022.


Q. Yang, P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and R. Kennel: "A direct model predictive control strategy with optimized sampling interval", Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, Jinan, China, Nov. 2021.

M.A.W. Begh, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Gradient-based predictive pulse pattern control", Proc. of the European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 2021.


J. Raath, T. Mouton and T. Geyer: "Alternative sphere decoding algorithm for long-horizon model predictive control of multi-level inverters", Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, Aalborg, Denmark, Nov. 2020.

I. Tsoumas and T. Geyer: "On the switching-induced dc-link voltage ripple in three-level converters with a neutral point", Proc. of the European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Lyon, France, Sept. 2020.

E. Zafra, S. Vazquez, T. Geyer, R.P. Aguilera, L.G. Franquelo and J.I. Leon: "FCS-MPC and observer design in the dq synchronous frame: an experimental validation", Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, Setubal, Portugal, July 2020.


B. Stickan, P. Rutquist, T. Geyer and M. Diehl: "Spectrum shaping methods for predictive control approaches applied to a grid-connected power electronics converter", Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, France, Dec. 2019.

R. Baidya, R.P. Aguilera, P. Karamanakos, P. Acuna, C. Rojas, T. Geyer and D.C. Lu: "Dealing with suboptimality in multistep model predictive control for transient operations", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Baltimore, MD, USA, Oct. 2019.

M. Dorfling, H. du Toit Mouton and T. Geyer: "Selective harmonic suppression for finite control set model predictive control", Proc. of the IEEE European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Genova, Italy, Sept. 2019.

A. Sadie, H. du Toit Mouton, M. Dorfling and T. Geyer: "Model-predictive control with space-vector modulation for a grid-connected converter with an LCL-filter", Proc. of the IEEE European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Genova, Italy, Sept. 2019.

M. Nahalparvari, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Gradient-based fixed switching frequency direct model predictive control for grid-connected converters with LCL filters", Proc. of the IEEE European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Genova, Italy, Sept. 2019.

A. Birth, T. Geyer and H. du Toit Mouton: "Symmetry relaxation of three-level optimal pulse patterns for lower harmonic distortion", Proc. of the IEEE European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Genova, Italy, Sept. 2019.

T. Geyer and V. Spudic: "Model predictive pulse pattern control with integrated balancing of the neutral point potential", Proc. of the IEEE European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Genova, Italy, Sept. 2019.

E. Zafra, S. Vazquez, T. Geyer, F. Gonzalez, A. Marquez, J.I. Leon and L.G. Franquelo: "Finite control set model predictive control with an output current observer in the dq-synchronous reference frame for an uninterruptible power supply system", Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, Sonderborg, Denmark, Apr. 2019.


P. Karamanakos, R. Mattila and T. Geyer: "Fixed switching frequency direct model predictive control based on output current gradients", Proc. of the IEEE Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society, Washington, DC, USA, Oct. 2018.

T. Geyer and V. Spudic: "Carrier-based model predictive pulse pattern control", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Portland, OR, USA, Sept. 2018.

T. Geyer, V. Spudic, W. v. d. Merwe and E. Guidi: "Model predictive pulse pattern control of medium-voltage neutral-point-clamped inverter drives", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Portland, OR, USA, Sept. 2018.

H. du Toit Mouton and T. Geyer: "Trajectory-based LQR control of a grid-connected converter with an LCL filter", Proc. of the IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Madison, WI, USA, Aug. 2018.


T. Geyer: "Algebraic weighting factor selection for predictive torque and flux control", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Cincinnati, OH, USA, Oct. 2017.

V. Spudic and T. Geyer: "Fast control of a modular multilevel converter STATCOM using optimized pulse patterns", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Cincinnati, OH, USA, Oct. 2017.

P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and R.P. Aguilera: "Computationally efficient long-horizon direct model predictive control for transient operation", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Cincinnati, OH, USA, Oct. 2017.

M. Vasiladiotis, A. Christe, T. Geyer and A. Faulstich: "Decoupled modulation concept for three-to-single-phase direct AC/AC modular multilevel converters for railway interties", Proc. of the IEEE European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 2017.

M.D. Dorfling, H. du Toit Mouton, P. Karamanakos and T. Geyer: "Experimental evaluation of sphere decoding for long-horizon direct model predictive control", Proc. of the IEEE European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 2017.

E. Liegmann, P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer, H. du Toit Mouton and R. Kennel: "Long-horizon direct model predictive control with active balancing of the neutral point potential", Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Sept. 2017.

J. Raath, H. du Toit Mouton and T. Geyer: "On the Micciancio-Voulgaris algorithm to solve the long-horizon direct MPC optimization problem", Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Sept. 2017.

B. Riar, T. Geyer and R. Zane: "Current THD analysis in direct model predictive control", Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, Stanford, CA, USA, Jul. 2017.

S. Vazquez, A. Marquez, J.I. Leon, L.G. Franquelo and T. Geyer: "FCS-MPC and observer design for a VSI with output LC filter and sinusoidal output currents", Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, Cadiz, Spain, Apr. 2017.


R. Baidya, R.P. Aguilera, P. Acuna, R. Delgado, T. Geyer, D. Quevedo and H. du Toit Mouton: "Fast multistep finite control set model predictive control for transient operation of power converters", Proc. of the IEEE Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society, Florence, Italy, Oct. 2016.

J. Vallone, T. Geyer and E. Rath Rohr: "FPGA implementation of model predictive direct current control", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Milwaukee, WI, USA, Sept. 2016.

P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and R. Kennel: "Constrained long-horizon direct model predictive control for power electronics", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Milwaukee, WI, USA, Sept. 2016.

P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer, H. du Toit Mouton and R. Kennel: "Computationally efficient sphere decoding for long-horizon direct model predictive control", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Milwaukee, WI, USA, Sept. 2016.

J. Raath, H. du Toit Mouton and T. Geyer: "Integration of inverter constraints in geometrical quantification of the optimal solution to an MPC controller", Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, Trondheim, Norway, June 2016.

J.M.C. Geldenhuys, H. du Toit Mouton, A. Rix and T. Geyer: "Model predictive current control of a grid connected converter with LCL-filter", Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, Trondheim, Norway, June 2016.


P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and R. Kennel: "Computationally efficient optimization algorithms for model predictive control of linear systems with integer inputs", Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, Dec. 2015.

P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and R. Kennel: "Suboptimal search strategies with bounded computational complexity to solve long-horizon direct model predictive control problems", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 2015.

A. Lopez, D.E. Quevedo, R.P. Aguilera, T. Geyer and N. Oikonomou: "Validation of a reduced order model for modular multilevel converters and analysis of circulating current", Proc. of the IEEE European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 2015.

T. Geyer, G. Darivianakis and W. v.d. Merwe: "Model predictive control of a STATCOM based on a modular multilevel converter in delta configuration", Proc. of the IEEE European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 2015.

D. Cottet et al: "Integration technologies for a fully modular and hot-swappable MV multi-level concept converter", Proc. of the International Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, Nuremberg, Germany, May 2015.


A. Lopez, D.E. Quevedo, R. Aguilera, T. Geyer and N. Oikonomou: "Reference design for predictive control of modular multilevel converters", Proc. of the IEEE Australian Control Conference, Canberra, Australia, Nov. 2014.

T. Geyer and N. Oikonomou: "Model predictive pulse pattern control with very fast transient responses", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Sept. 2014.

P. Al Hokayem, T. Geyer and N. Oikonomou: "Active damping for model predictive pulse pattern control", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Sept. 2014.

P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and R. Kennel: "Reformulation of the long-horizon direct model predictive control problem to reduce the computational effort", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Sept. 2014.

T. Geyer, P. Karamanakos and R. Kennel: "On the benefit of long-horizon direct model predictive control for drives with LC filters", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Sept. 2014.

G. Darivianakis, T. Geyer and W.v.d. Merwe: "Model predictive current control of modular multilevel converters", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Sept. 2014.


P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer, N. Oikonomou, F. Kieferndorf and S. Manias: "Model predictive control in power electronics: Strategies to reduce the computational complexity", Proc. of the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Vienna, Austria, Nov. 2013.

H. Peyrl, J. Liu and T. Geyer: "An FPGA implementation of the fast gradient method for solving the model predictive pulse pattern control problem", Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, Munich, Germany, Oct. 2013.

T. Mouton, P. Stolze, T. Geyer, M. Tomlinson and R. Kennel: "Predictive control vs. linear control for current control of a single-leg inverter", Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, Munich, Germany, Oct. 2013.

T. Geyer and D.E. Quevedo: "Multistep direct model predictive control for power electronics - part 1: Algorithm", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Denver, CO, USA, Sept. 2013.

T. Geyer and D.E. Quevedo: "Multistep direct model predictive control for power electronics - part 2: Analysis", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Denver, CO, USA, Sept. 2013.

J. Song-Manguelle, G. Ekemb, S. Schröder, T. Geyer, J.-M. Nyobe-Yome and R. Wamkeue: "Analytical expression of pulsating torque harmonics due to PWM drives", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Denver, CO, USA, Sept. 2013.

P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and S. Manias: "Model predictive control of the interleaved DC-DC boost converter with coupled inductors", Proc. of the European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Lille, France, Sept. 2013.

T. Geyer, R.P. Aguilera and D.E. Quevedo: "On the stability and robustness of model predictive direct current control", Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, Feb. 2013.

J. Scoltock, T. Geyer and U.K. Madawala: "Model predictive direct power control for a grid-connected converter with an LCL-filter", Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, Feb. 2013.

J. Scoltock, T. Geyer and U.K. Madawala: "Model predictive direct current control for a grid-connected converter: LCL-filter versus L-filter", Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, Feb. 2013.

B.S. Riar, T. Geyer and U.K. Madawala: "Model predictive direct current control of modular multi-level converters", Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, Feb. 2013.


T. Burtscher and T. Geyer: "Deadlock avoidance in model predictive direct torque control", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Raleigh, NC, USA, Sept. 2012.

N. Oikonomou, C. Gutscher, P. Karamanakos, F. Kieferndorf and T. Geyer: "Model predictive pulse pattern control for the five-level active neutral point clamped inverter", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Raleigh, NC, USA, Sept. 2012.

F. Kieferndorf, P. Karamanakos, P. Bader, N. Oikonomou and T. Geyer: "Model predictive control of the internal voltages of a five-level active neutral point clamped converter", Proc. of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Raleigh, NC, USA, Sept. 2012.

P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and S. Manias: "Direct voltage control of dc-dc boost converters using model predictive control based on enumeration", Proc. of the IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Novi Sad, Serbia, Sept. 2012.

P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer and S. Manias: "Direct model predictive current control of dc-dc boost converters", Proc. of the IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Novi Sad, Serbia, Sept. 2012.


J. Scoltock, T. Geyer and U.K. Madawala: "A comparison of predictive current control schemes for MV induction motor drives", Proc. of the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2011.

T. Geyer, J. Scoltock and U.K. Madawala: "Model predictive direct power control for grid-connected converters", Proc. of the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2011.

T. Geyer, N. Oikonomou, G. Papafotiou and F. Kieferndorf: "Model predictive pulse pattern control", Proc. of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Sept. 2011.

T. Geyer and S. Mastellone: "Model predictive direct torque control of a five-level ANPC converter drive system", Proc. of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Sept. 2011.

T. Geyer: "Model predictive direct torque control: Derivation and analysis of the explicit control law", Proc. of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Sept. 2011.

Y. Zeinaly, T. Geyer and B. Egardt: "Trajectory extension methods for model predictive direct torque control", Proc. of the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Fort Worth, TX, USA, Mar. 2011.


T. Geyer: "Computationally efficient model predictive direct torque control", Proc. of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, USA, Sept. 2010.

T. Geyer: "A comparison of control and modulation schemes for medium-voltage drives: emerging predictive control concepts versus field oriented control", Proc. of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, USA, Sept. 2010.

T. Geyer: "Model predictive direct current control for multi-level converters", Proc. of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, USA, Sept. 2010.

T. Geyer, A.G. Beccuti, G. Papafotiou and M. Morari: "Model predictive direct torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motors", Proc. of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, USA, Sept. 2010.

J.C. Ramirez Martinez, R.M. Kennel and T. Geyer: "Model predictive direct current control", Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Vina del Mar, Chile, Mar. 2010.


T. Geyer: "Generalized model predictive direct torque control: long prediction horizons and minimization of switching losses", Proc. of the 48rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China, Dec. 2009.

T. Geyer and G. Papafotiou: "Model predictive direct torque control of a variable speed drive with a five-level inverter", Proc. of the 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Porto, Portugal, Nov. 2009.

U.K. Madawala, T. Geyer, J. Bradshaw and D.M. Vilathgamuwa: "A model for a novel variable speed cage induction generator", Proc. of the 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Porto, Portugal, Nov. 2009.

T. Geyer and S. Schröder: "Reliability considerations and fault handling strategies for multi-MW modular drive systems", Proc. of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, San Jose, CA, USA, Sept. 2009.

J. Song-Manguelle, S. Schröder, T. Geyer, G. Ekemb and J.-M. Nyobe-Yome: "Prediction of mechanical shaft failures due to pulsating torques of variable frequency drives", Proc. of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, San Jose, CA, USA, Sept. 2009.


S. Schröder, P. Tenca, T. Geyer, P. Soldi, L. Garces, R. Zhang, T. Toma and P. Bordignon: "Modular high-power shunt-interleaved drive system: a realization up to 35 MW for oil & gas applications", Proc. of the IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Edmonton, Canada, Oct. 2008.


S. Almér, H. Fujioka, U.T. Jönsson, C.Y. Kao, D. Patino, P. Riedinger, T. Geyer, A.G. Beccuti, G. Papafotiou, M. Morari, A. Wernrud and A. Rantzer: "Hybrid control techniques for switched-mode dc-dc converters part I: the step-down topology", Proc. of the American Control Conference, New York, USA, July 2007.


T. Geyer, G. Papafotiou and M. Morari: "Model predictive control in power electronics: a hybrid systems approach", invited paper, Proc. of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Sevilla, Spain, Dec. 2005.

A. Beccuti, T. Geyer and M. Morari: "A hybrid system approach to power systems voltage control", Proc. of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Sevilla, Spain, Dec. 2005.

L.F.S. Larsen, T. Geyer and M. Morari: "Hybrid MPC in supermarket refrigeration systems", Proc. of the 16th IFAC world congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005.

G. Glanzmann, M. von Siebenthal, T. Geyer, G. Papafotiou and M. Morari: "Supervisory water level control for cascaded river power plants", Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Hydropower, Stavanger, Norway, 2005.


A. Beccuti, T. Geyer and M. Morari: "Temporal lagrangian decomposition of model predictive control for hybrid systems", Proc. of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlantis, Bahamas, Dec. 2004.

G. Papafotiou, T. Geyer and M. Morari: "Optimal direct torque control of three-phase symmetric induction motors", Proc. of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlantis, Bahamas, Dec. 2004.

G. Papafotiou, T. Geyer and M. Morari: "Hybrid modelling and optimal control of switch-mode dc-dc converters", Proc. of the 9th IEEE Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics, Urbana-Champaign, USA, Aug. 2004.

T. Geyer, F.D. Torrisi and M. Morari: "Optimal complexity reduction of piecewise affine models based on hyperplane arrangements", Proc. of the American Control Conference', Boston, USA, June 2004.


V. Sakizlis, E. Pistikopoulos, T. Geyer and M. Morari: "The equivalence of the anti-windup control design and the explicit model-based parametric controller", Proc. of the European Control Conference, Cambridge, UK, Sept. 2003.

T. Geyer, M. Larsson and M. Morari: "Hybrid emergency voltage control in power systems", Proc. of the European Control Conference, Cambridge, UK, Sept. 2003.


Inventor and co-inventor in more than 75 patent applications in 40 patent families, many of which have been granted as pending patents.


T. Geyer: "Low complexity model predictive control in power electronics and power systems", PhD thesis, Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Mar. 2005.

The thesis also available as a paperback from Cuvillier or from Amazon.

T. Geyer, and A. Koster: "Time- and pitch-scale modification of speech", Dipl.-Ing. thesis, Bell Labs, Holmdel, NJ, Mar. 2000.